- Currently working as Head of Department, Dept of
Head & Neck Oncosurgery at HCG-EKO Cancer Center.
Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata - Consultant in the Dept of ENT & Head— Neck Surgery,
Narayana Superspeciality and Multispeciality Hospitals,
Andul Road, Howrah from May 2013 till November 2020 - Fellow, Head and Neck From 2nd May 2011 till 1st May
2013, at Tata Medical Center, Kolkata.
Registrar/senior Resident: From 13th Aug. 2010 till 30th
April 2011, at Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute,
Kolkata - Senior Resident: From 1st Mar. 2010 till 12th August 2010,
at Medical College and Hospitals. Kolkata - senior Resident: From 23rd Feb. 2009 to 24rd Feb. 2010
at B S Medical College, Bankura, W. Bengal.
Registrar: From 1st Aug. 2008 to 31st Jan at KEM
Hospital, Mumbai - Resident PG trainee (ENT): From 2nd May 2005 to 31st
April 2008, KEM hospital, Mumbai
Special Training:
- Course Participant in “Skull-Base Con 2015” National Conference in Skull Base Surgeries held at Bangalore, India.
- Course Participant in AOCMF Advances Seminar on Maxillofacial Reconstruction from 17th to 19th Aug 2012 held at Kochi, India.
- In Microvascular Training from Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi from 12th to 16th Aug, 2012.
- Evaluation and Management of Voice Disorder with Hands on Laser Laryngeal Surgery and Cadaver Thyroplasty, at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and
Research Center, Pune on 18th, 19th, and 20th November 2011.
- DNB (ENT) :July 2009, under National Board ot
Examinations - MS (ENT) :Ju1y 2008. KEM Hospital, Mumbai,under
university of Mumbai - • MBBS October 2001, BJ Medical College. Pune, under
University of pune - • Fellovvship : In Head and Neck Surgery from Tata
Medical Centre, Kolkata from 2011 to 2013

- Fellowsh ip Programme :
Consultant Guide in Post PC
Fellowship programme in Head-
Neck Surgery, NH Superspeciality
Hospital. - Senior Residency: Teaching of
Postgraduate Trainees in ENT,
participating in teaching Of
undergraduates, and
participating in departmental
academic activities. - Registrarship : Teaching of
Postgraduate Trainees in ENT.
teaching undergraduate MBBS
students, trainee nurses,Audiology interns, etc. - Residency (2nd and 3rd yr):
Teaching of undergraduate MBBS
students, trainee nurses,
Physiotherapy trainee students.
Who We Are

Jennifer Howe

Sharron Wisely

Brandon Haser
drrajdeepguha@gmail .com